Monday, November 12, 2007

Future Community

50 years from now, buildings will be built with the technologies being developed today for future hotels in outerspace and exotic places on earth. Buildings will be assemblies of prefabricated pods that can be easily broken down and reassembled into different organizations in order to meet changing space requirements. Pods are on stilts or suspended in the air to minimize footprint. Suspended pods are connected by mesh/ramps that form a pod network. This pod network functions as the traditional building composed of smaller apt units.
Suspension of pods are also in response to predictions of future weather predictions - less frequent episodes of large torrential rainstorms vs. more periodic smaller storms. Stilts prevent flooding and allow more ground space for filtering gray water for recycling within the pod network. Groups of pods will also have self contained utilities - water supply/waste will be delivered/picked up like bottled water deliveries - as supply of clean water has rapidly dwindled over the years and is shipped in from private companies located in extreme parts of the world that still have access.
Polluted air outside the pod network will be filtered for the interior spaces as well as for the open spaces between pods. Filtration system enveloping entire pod network will also control humidity so that it can force production of its own rainclouds for water collection.
Entire city/world will be connected through wireless internet. Multi-tasking increases and technologies allow more work to be done at home. Time becomes more precious so people live close to where they work if they do have to commute. Service industry related businesses like dining, laundering, grocery deliveries increase, many are located within the pod network to minimize transportation costs. Because people will be spending more of their time communicating via internet, bulk of social interaction taking place face to face will be between people living within the same pod network and foster closer neighborly connections. Pod network will almost function as its own micro city within a larger city because of the inhabitants' greater degree of interdependence.

1 comment:

the force said...

Find a different word - pod is too dated, too 1960s sci-fi, too obvious. Find a word and replace all instances of pod, and it will come to life.