Friday, November 16, 2007

Geometrical motifs / Transformation

Geometrical motifs
Surface to inhabitable volumes
Perforation size dependent on sustainability issue - ventilation/sunlight needs

Principle of transformation across site:
The topography of the interlocking surfaces that will make up my project across the site will be based on the height/shape of the existing buildings on-site. Surfaces will occupy exiting empty lots and alleyways at ground level = location of access/connection points to/from street and existing buildings. At some levels, surfaces will be moving over and between existing buildings above their roof level and act as circulation pathways, (precedent = proposed chelsea highline project?), in other levels/areas the surfaces become more like volumes to provide more sheltered interior spaces for industrial/residential use.
Aperature size that puncture the surfaces/volumes will be based on sunlight and ventilation needs - larger in areas that would benefit from more light/air, smaller in areas like workshops/darkrooms that benefit from less light/more controlled ventilation.

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